Saturday, February 6, 2010

Why blog?

It is of critical importance to find an outlet for deep seated thoughts and emotions. Without a form of expression, such ideas can fester and lead to explosive, unpredictable behaviors. Writing is a form of catharsis that can help document ideas and allow a moment for review before acting upon them. A moment's reflection, if nothing more, can serve to reinforce the value of such ideas and bolster confidence that said ideas should be documented, published and shared with an audience. Such is the purpose of my blog.

I also hope that my blog can entertain and cause the reader to identify with particular sentiments in an extremely personal and private way. The reader is free to have any emotive response to the contents of the blog with no associated fee. If such emotive responses foster a response, then those too can be entertained free of charge. This dialogic space shall forever be open and accessible, though donations are strongly encouraged.

I also intend to use commentary posited by myself and that of any others as material for future publications and performances. You are, by posting to this blog, agreeing to become the butt of a possible joke... along with myself. I do not claim to be unworthy of puns. I have been advised by numerous authorities on cultural artifacts that I absolutely must write. My perspectives, regardless of how skewed they may seem, are genuine and valuable enough that they should be recorded and collected in a manner that reaps no financial benefit. I doubt I will be offered pennies for my thoughts but it would be ideal. Again, donations are strongly encouraged.

Please stay tuned for further textual dribblings from a self-described enlightened being and be excellent to each other.

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